[Video] Silver heading to $19?

After its vicious falls during the height of the coronavirus pandemic, silver’s recovery has been remarkable. Demand concerns were initially replaced by supply worries, causing prices to bounce back, before the rally took hold on easing of lockdown measures alleviating some of these concerns.

Giving silver an additional boost has been the actions of governments and central banks. The Fed and other major banks have successfully managed to suppress volatility by introducing more QE and cutting interest rates further. As a result, bond yields have been suppressed, further boosting the appeal of noninterest-bearing precious metals, as well as equities.

With monetary conditions set to remain extraordinary loose for the foreseeable future, the outlook for silver looks bright in my view, especially if the global economy recovers quickly post Covid-19 lockdown.

From a technical point of view, silver continues to exhibit bullish characteristics, as I have explained in the video:

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